Table of contents
- 📑Part 1: What is object Detection?
- 📑Part 2: Understanding the Basics of Object Detection
- 📑Part 3: Object Detection using Classical CV
- 📑Part 4: Object Detection using ConvNets
- 📑Part 5: Evaluation metrics and benchmarking
- 📑Part 6: Object Detection using CNN (Overfeat paper)
- 📑Part 7: Object Detection using RCNN
- 📑Part 8: Object Detection using Fast RCNN
- 📑Part 9: Object Detection using Faster RCNN
Hello Everyone! 👋
Object detection is an important and challenging topic in computer vision. I wanted to acquire a solid understanding of it. So I prepared some informative slides that cover it in detail. They include technical aspects and illustrative animations that will enhance your learning experience.
Hope you guys will find it useful.
Permalink📑Part 1: What is object Detection?
Permalink📑Part 2: Understanding the Basics of Object Detection
Permalink📑Part 3: Object Detection using Classical CV
Permalink📑Part 4: Object Detection using ConvNets
Permalink📑Part 5: Evaluation metrics and benchmarking
Permalink📑Part 6: Object Detection using CNN (Overfeat paper)
Permalink📑Part 7: Object Detection using RCNN
Permalink📑Part 8: Object Detection using Fast RCNN
Permalink📑Part 9: Object Detection using Faster RCNN
🔽Download all the ppts from here
😊Give me a shoutout if you use these slides for demonstration.
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